Education is the foundation stone of society.

The word "educate" means "to draw out."

That is, every human being has qualities and capabilities that are latent.

The goal of education has to be the flowering of the potential in the child.

The main focus of Gurukuls was on imparting learning to the students in a natural surrounding

where the shisyas lived with each other with brotherhood, humanity, love, and discipline.

The essential teachings were in subjects like language, science, mathematics

through group discussions, self-learning etc.

Not only this, but the focus was also given on

arts, sports, crafts, singing

that developed their intelligence and critical thinking.

Activities such as yoga, meditation, mantra chanting etc. generated positivity

and peace of mind and made them fit.

It was also mandatory to do daily chores on own with a motive to impart practical skills in them.

All these helped in the personality development and increased their confidence, sense of discipline,

intellect and mindfulness which is necessary even today to face the world that lay ahead.

Om Mantra is the transformation of breath into sound.

The sound may be a syllable or group of words that with rhythmic breathing

and repetition can clear the mind of debris

and bring it into focus.

The science of mantra is based on the idea

that sound is a form of energy

that has a definite predictable effect on the mind.

Mantras have the ability to alter defective

patterns of the mind

as well as the actual chemistry of the brain.

At present, we need such a omnified education system.

Omnify Education aims to live up to this endeavour.

The teachers words flowed like ink and the child's mind soaked them up like blotting paper.

वतन पर मंडरा रही चहुँ ओर

काले बादलों की परछाई

अब तो जागो सोने वालों

मां भारती ने पुकार लगाई